Mastering Python Selenium: Creating a Personalized WebDriver Class with WebDriverWait Attributes
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Mastering Python Selenium: Creating a Personalized WebDriver Class with WebDriverWait Attributes

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Are you tired of dealing with flaky tests and tedious waits in your Python Selenium scripts? Do you want to elevate your testing game by creating a personalized WebDriver class that runs smoothly and efficiently? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Python Selenium and explore how to create a custom WebDriver class with WebDriverWait attributes, including the mighty POLL_FREQUENCY. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

Why Do I Need a Custom WebDriver Class?

When working with Selenium, you might have noticed that the standard WebDriver class provided by the Selenium library can be… well, a bit limiting. With a custom WebDriver class, you can tailor your WebDriver to fit your specific testing needs, making your tests more reliable, efficient, and maintainable.

One of the key benefits of creating a custom WebDriver class is that you can inject WebDriverWait attributes, such as POLL_FREQUENCY, to fine-tune your test’s waiting behavior. This allows you to optimize your test’s performance and reduce flakiness, making your testing life easier and more enjoyable.

What is WebDriverWait and POLL_FREQUENCY?

WebDriverWait is a powerful tool in Selenium that allows you to wait for specific conditions to occur before proceeding with your test. It’s like having a patient assistant that waits for the perfect moment to take the next step.

POLL_FREQUENCY, on the other hand, is a critical attribute of WebDriverWait that controls how often the wait mechanism checks for the desired condition. Think of it as the “pulse” of your wait mechanism, dictating how frequently it “takes a pulse” to see if the condition is met.

A well-configured POLL_FREQUENCY can make all the difference in your test’s performance. A high POLL_FREQUENCY can lead to faster test execution, but may also increase the likelihood of false positives. A low POLL_FREQUENCY, on the other hand, can reduce false positives but may lead to slower test execution. Finding the sweet spot is crucial!

Creating a Custom WebDriver Class with WebDriverWait Attributes

Now that we’ve covered the why and what, let’s dive into the how! To create a custom WebDriver class with WebDriverWait attributes, you’ll need to subclass the WebDriver class and override the necessary methods.

from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC

class CustomWebDriver(webdriver.Chrome):
    def __init__(self, executable_path, poll_frequency=0.5):
        self.wait = WebDriverWait(self, poll_frequency)

    def find_element(self, by, value):
        return self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((by, value)))

    def find_elements(self, by, value):
        return self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((by, value)))

    def click(self, by, value):
        element = self.find_element(by, value)

    def send_keys(self, by, value, keys):
        element = self.find_element(by, value)

In this example, we’re creating a CustomWebDriver class that inherits from the Chrome WebDriver class. We’re overriding the __init__ method to set up the WebDriverWait instance with a default POLL_FREQUENCY of 0.5 seconds.

We’re also overriding the find_element, find_elements, click, and send_keys methods to utilize the WebDriverWait instance. This allows us to inject the POLL_FREQUENCY attribute into our wait mechanism.

Configuring POLL_FREQUENCY for Smooth Test Execution

Now that we have our custom WebDriver class, let’s talk about configuring the POLL_FREQUENCY for optimal test execution.

The key to finding the perfect POLL_FREQUENCY is to experiment and fine-tune it based on your specific testing needs. Here are some general guidelines to get you started:

  • Fast-paced tests: For tests that require quick navigation and rapid-fire actions, a higher POLL_FREQUENCY (e.g., 0.1-0.3 seconds) can help reduce test execution time.
  • Slow-paced tests: For tests that involve long-loading pages or complex interactions, a lower POLL_FREQUENCY (e.g., 1-2 seconds) can help reduce false positives and improve test reliability.
  • Critical tests: For critical tests that require high accuracy and reliability, a POLL_FREQUENCY of around 0.5-1 second can provide a good balance between speed and precision.

Remember, the POLL_FREQUENCY is just one piece of the puzzle. You should also consider factors like page load times, network latency, and the complexity of your test scenarios when optimizing your test execution.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering WebDriverWait

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you master WebDriverWait and create silky-smooth tests:

  1. Use expected conditions: WebDriverWait offers a range of expected conditions (e.g., presence_of_element_located, visibility_of_element_located) that can help you wait for specific conditions to occur.
  2. Implement timeouts: Set timeouts for your waits to prevent your test from hanging indefinitely. You can use the timeout parameter in the WebDriverWait constructor.
  3. Avoid over-waiting: Make sure to adjust your POLL_FREQUENCY and timeouts to avoid over-waiting on elements that may not exist or are taking too long to load.
  4. Use implicit waits: In addition to explicit waits with WebDriverWait, you can also use implicit waits to set a global timeout for all selenium actions.
  5. Monitor your test execution: Keep an eye on your test execution times and adjust your POLL_FREQUENCY and timeouts accordingly. This will help you optimize your tests for maximum efficiency.


Creating a custom WebDriver class with WebDriverWait attributes is a powerful way to elevate your Python Selenium testing game. By injecting the POLL_FREQUENCY attribute, you can fine-tune your test’s waiting behavior and optimize its performance.

Remember to experiment with different POLL_FREQUENCY values, test scenarios, and expected conditions to find the perfect balance for your testing needs. With practice and patience, you’ll be writing silky-smooth tests that run like a charm!

Wrapping Up
  • Create a custom WebDriver class with WebDriverWait attributes
  • Configure POLL_FREQUENCY for optimal test execution
  • Experiment with different POLL_FREQUENCY values and test scenarios
  • Master WebDriverWait and expected conditions
  • Optimize your tests for maximum efficiency and reliability

Happy testing, and don’t forget to share your own Python Selenium experiences and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to turbocharge your Python Selenium game with our expert answers to your most burning questions about creating a personal class with webdriverWait attributes!

How do I create a personal class with webdriverWait attributes in Python Selenium?

You can create a personal class by inheriting from Selenium’s WebDriverWait class. Define your class with the necessary attributes, such as the webdriver instance, timeout, and poll frequency. For example: `class MyWebDriverWait(WebDriverWait): def __init__(self, driver, timeout=10, poll_frequency=0.5): super().__init__(driver, timeout=timeout, poll_frequency=poll_frequency)`.

What is the significance of poll frequency in webdriverWait, and how does it impact my test execution?

Poll frequency determines how often the webdriverWait checks for the expected condition. A higher poll frequency can lead to faster test execution, but may also increase the load on the system. A lower poll frequency can reduce the load, but may slow down your test. A balanced poll frequency, such as 0.5 seconds, is often ideal for most test scenarios.

Can I set custom timeout values for different test steps using webdriverWait?

Yes, you can set custom timeout values for different test steps by creating separate instances of your personal webdriverWait class with different timeout values. For example, `my_wait = MyWebDriverWait(driver, timeout=20)` for a longer timeout, and `my_fast_wait = MyWebDriverWait(driver, timeout=5)` for a shorter timeout.

How do I utilize the webdriverWait class to handle loading animations and dynamic content in my test?

You can use the webdriverWait class to handle loading animations and dynamic content by defining expected conditions, such as `visibility_of_element_located` or `element_to_be_clickable`, and setting the timeout accordingly. This allows your test to wait for the content to load or the animation to complete before proceeding.

Are there any best practices for using webdriverWait in my Python Selenium test framework?

Yes, some best practices include using webdriverWait to handle explicit waits, setting reasonable timeout values, and avoiding implicit waits. Additionally, consider using a separate class for webdriverWait to keep your test code organized and reusable.